Fertility Matters
Fertility Matters Canada (FMC) is a national association dedicated to helping Canadians reach their reproductive health goals through support, awareness, information and education. FMC is also a huge advocate for equal access to fertility treatments. The website includes a toll-free contact number and a page listing support groups by province. This resource also includes links to insurance coverage information, success rate statistics and shared personal stories.

IVFbabble is a fantastic resource created by two women who spent a combined 15 years trying to conceive via IVF. The site is full of relatable stories, information about infertility and IVF and guidance from leading experts in the field. You'll also find information on wellness, from nutrition to emotional wellbeing. And don’t forget to check out their app, Pineapples, which connects people who are trying to conceive.

The Modern Miracle Foundation
The Modern Miracle Foundation is a registered Canadian charity that turns generous donations into grants for those struggling to afford fertility treatments, helping ease their financial stress and making fertility treatments more accessible for them.

Fertility Friends Foundation
Fertility Friends Foundation is a registered Canadian charity that offers grants to cover expenses associated with assisted reproduction such as IVF, egg and sperm donation and gestational surrogacy. They also provide education and resources to families who are in need of support along their journey.
Fertility glossary
Analysis of infectious chronic endometritis (ALICE)
If you elect to do an ALICE test, your doctor will perform an endometrial biopsy and test the tissue to see whether you have pathogenic bacteria known to cause chronic endometritis, which is linked to implantation failure and recurrent miscarriage.
Anti-müllerian hormone (AMH)
Your doctor may order an AMH blood test to evaluate your ability to produce eggs that can be fertilized for pregnancy.
Beta test
In the fertility community, a beta test refers to a blood test taken to measure pregnancy. This test measures human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG hormone, which is emitted by a developing embryo. A positive beta indicates pregnancy.
Chemical pregnancy/miscarriage
A chemical pregnancy is a very early miscarriage. It means that, within the first five weeks of pregnancy, an embryo has implanted in your uterine lining but has stopped developing.
Day One
You may hear people in the fertility community refer to their Day One: this is the first day of menstruation, which marks the beginning of a new cycle. Often, doctors will request that fertility patients report their Day One to begin treatment.
Embryo glue
Some fertility clinics may recommend the use of embryo glue, a specially developed formula that contains, among other things, high levels of hyaluronan, a substance that naturally occurs in your uterine lining.
Hyaluronan makes endometrial secretions stickier; embryo glue mimics these secretions. On your embryo transfer day, your embryos will be dipped in the glue before being transferred into your uterus. The glue's adhesive effect may help your embryos attach, enhancing implantation.
Endometrial microbiome metagenomic analysis (EMMA)
If you elect to do an EMMA test, your doctor will perform an endometrial biopsy and test the tissue to see whether your endometrial microbiome has a good balance of healthy endometrial bacteria, including those linked to higher pregnancy rates.
Endometrial receptivity analysis (ERA)
If you elect to do an ERA test, your doctor will perform an endometrial biopsy and test the tissue to determine the correct timing for an embryo transfer.
The endometrium is receptive when it is ready for embryo implantation to occur. This period of receptivity is known as the window of implantation.
Endometriosis is a disease in which tissue that resembles the tissue that lines the uterus grows outside the uterus. This can cause a chronic inflammatory reaction that can result in scar tissue forming in the pelvis and other parts of the body.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
IUI is a type of artificial insemination in which washed and concentrated sperm are placed directly in your uterus around the time your ovary releases one or more eggs to be fertilized.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
IVF is a series of procedures to help with fertility and the conception of a child.
The term in vitro means "in glass", referring to the process of fertilization where an egg is combined with sperm in glass, to create an embryo. Sometimes ICSI, an IVF method that involves injecting sperm directly into an egg, is most helpful.
IVF consists of two main steps:
1) Retrieval, in which you take medication that makes several of your eggs mature. A doctor then takes the eggs out of your body and combines them with sperm to create embryos.
2) Transfer, in which the doctor places one or more of your embryos directly into your uterus.
Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT)
PGT is a screening test used to identify genetic differences in embryos created with IVF. PGT is performed after a retrieval and before embryos are transferred to the uterus.
3 results are possible with PGT:
- Normal or euploid embryos have the correct number of chromosomes in all of the tested cells. These embryos are suitable for transfer.
- Mosaic embryos have a mixture of cells with correct and incorrect numbers of chromosomes. These embryos may or may not be suitable for transfer, depending on the level of mosaicism.
- Abnormal or aneuploid embryos have an incorrect number of chromosomes in all the tested cells. These embryos are not suitable for transfer.
Receptiva Dx
If you elect to do a Receptiva Dx test, your doctor will perform an endometrial biopsy and test the tissue to detect inflammation of the uterine lining, indicated by the increased presence of a protein called BLC6, that is highly characteristic of endometriosis.
A sonohysterogram is a special kind of ultrasound that records structures and shapes inside your uterus while it's filled with saline. This can help your doctor see problem areas in your uterus and endometrium that may be causing infertility.